Do you need to gain weight quickly? How would you feel if you could pack on an extra 5 pounds of muscle mass this week. Most skinny guys and hardgainers only wish they could slap on muscle mass that quick. But in this article I'll reveal a few key methods that will unlock those rapid muscle gains you're after.
There are 3 key elements you need to look at when you're trying to bulk up quickly: Weight training, dieting, and rest. I'm going to show you how to make all three of these elements work together for you so that your body has no choice but to start growing. Sound good?
First of all, you need to get to a gym. If you want to make gains quickly you'll want to go to a real gym with all the equipment you need. A set of dumbbells and a pull-up bar at home isn't going to cut it. Sure, you can make gains using a home gym. But we're going for FAST gains here, remember?
Here's the most important thing you need to know about weight training: Use free weights, and use compound lifts like deadlifts, squats, pull-ups, and bench presses. These exercises will recruit the most muscle fibers and get you growing quickly.
Next is your diet. You need to start taking in 20 times your bodyweight in calories every day. This will give your body the nutrients it needs to start growing and building new muscle tissue at a rapid rate.
Last is rest. This often-neglected element is one of the most important. Your muscles don't grow in the gym. They actually grow after you leave the gym while you are resting. And getting 8 hours of sleep each night will guarantee that your body has enough time to repair your damaged muscle tissue from your last workout in order to build bigger, stronger muscles.
Attention Skinny Guys: Grab this FREE Report and see how to QUICKLY add pounds of solid muscle mass to your skinny frame...
Inside, you'll also discover the 7 biggest mistakes most hardgainers make that KEEPS THEM SKINNY and prevents rapid muscle gains... Click Here to grab the free report and start gaining mass!
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