Triceps Workout - Your Way to Muscular Arms

What is the best way to get bigger arms? This is one of the most commonly asked questions that you will hear from those who are into body building especially the beginners. Have you ever dream of wearing muscle shirts worn by professional body builders? Well, I'm telling you that having triceps muscles is just within your reach through the best triceps workout. So keep on reading as I show you how.

Triceps make up two-thirds of your arm and is considered as the weakest in the group of muscles that assist in doing bench press but it is the chief muscle that operates on your elbows and forearms. Thus, it is very essential to train your triceps and perform the most effective triceps exercise.

Here are some of the suggested triceps workouts that you can do:

1. Close Grip Bench Press

As what the name implies, it is a kind of bench press with much tighter grip compared to the standard bench press. Why close grip? This is to put more stress on the triceps, making an efficient triceps workout.

· Lie down on a bench like in a regular bench press position but put your hands not wider than your shoulders.

· Keep your elbows in and don't let them glide off from your body.

· Do not allow the bar to reach your lower chest but it should stay within your upper chest area.

2. Parallel Bar Dips

This triceps workout doesn't only target your triceps but works on your pectoral muscles and deltoids as well.

· Cross your ankles as you clutch onto the bars.

· Bend your arms slowly as you lower down your torso.

· Lift your body back to its original position when you feel that your elbows are fully bent.

3. Lying French Press

This is a triceps workout that works your triceps from a different angle compared to other pressing exercises.

· Lie down flat on a bench.

· Hold an EZ curl bar with your hands stretched out and your hands shoulder width apart.

· Slowly lower down the bar to your nose or hairline by bending your elbows.

· Stretch your arms to go back to the original position.

4. Lying Triceps Extension (Skull Crusher)

This is the kind of triceps workout that works on the long head of the triceps and allows heavier weights to be lifted.

· Lie down flat on a bench.

· Grab the barbell with narrow-hand spacing with arms stretched.

· By bending your arms, lower the bar behind your forehead to put more stress on your triceps.

· Stretch your arms to go back to the original position.

Having big and strong triceps is considered as one great achievement for body builders. More effort and proper training are both needed if you really want your triceps to be huge. By performing the best triceps workout [http://musclebuilding.net.au/tricep-workouts/tricep-workouts], I'm sure that you will achieve the muscular arms you have ever wanted in no time. Know more techniques on how to do proper weight training by visiting my site here: [http://musclebuilding.net.au/].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Arkin_Kaman

Best Exercise For Tricep Mass - How To Get Big Triceps

What is the best exercise for tricep mass? If you, like me, believe that the best exercise is the one that results in the largest mass gains, then you should know that there is no ONE BEST EXERCISE for tricep mass. This article will describe why just one exercise is not sufficient for significant mass gains. It will also discuss, the best combinations of exercises for triceps, and how to utilize these within a work out for maximum mass gain.

The tricep as its name suggests consists of three muscle bundles or three heads. For maximum mass gain all three heads must be stimulated. No ONE exercise can do this. You might notice that you can lift extremely heavy when it comes to certain tricep exercises but not so much with others. The reason for this is that some bundles maybe more developed than the others. Therefore, it is only common sense that to really gain muscle mass on the triceps, one must stimulate all these bundles and a combination of exercises will be necessary to do this.

So, the best exercise for tricep mass is actually a bunch of these exercises below.

Dips (weighted, if your body weight is too light for you)
Close-grip bench press
Skull Crushers
Tricep extensions
Cable Pushdowns

If you don't know what these exercises are, you could Google, or YouTube them to get a good idea.

Now, if you have a particular work out day where you'll be doing your best exercise for tricep mass, or should I say best exercises, then you could do about 3 of these exercises. I am not going to tell you how many sets and reps to do, or what weight to use. This is because the method I advocate involves using a variety of set and rep ranges. I switch things up every few weeks. For instance you can do 3 sets of 15 reps for 4 weeks and then switch to a routine where you do 4 sets of 10 or 5 sets of 5. Each set and rep range has its own advantages. and you should not miss out on any of them.

If you're doing a full body work out routine on the other hand, I have found that the best exercise for tricep mass is dips. Dips, enable a great range of motion and do target the majority of the tricep region. But switching between this and the other exercises will obviously give you the best results

So my advice to you is pretty simple. Don't search for "the best exercise for tricep mass" looking for just one exercise. Instead focus on a wide variety of exercises and set and rep ranges. Always do whatever you do with intensity and push your muscles to their limit, and you will be working out right.

As a side note, also remember that the best exercise for tricep mass will do nothing for you if you do not eat and rest right. So make sure you have the basics covered and then work out your triceps HARD and SMART.

Though you may have come here looking for THE 1 best exercise for tricep mass, I hope you now understand that there is no miracle exercise, but you have to stimulate your muscles in different ways to get the maximum weight gains. The exercises listed above are also wonderful exercises for mass gaining but be sure to push your muscles to their limit and eat and rest right. It's not just about the best exercise for tricep mass, it's about the science of weight gain and a body builder's lifestyle

I'm Daniel Ferdinands and I went from 54kg (119lbs) to 70kg (154lbs) of muscle. Its a body transformation that I am very proud of.

My website can show you how to build muscles [http://www.best-bodybuilding-reviews.com/get-big]. But only click on it, if you're skinny, or want to gain more muscle on your frame.

You can also read my muscle building story [http://best-bodybuilding-reviews.com/my-muscle-building-journey] here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Daniel_Ferdinands

How to Get the Best Abs Fast - The Best Workout You Can Use to Get a Ripped Midsection

More people are becoming concerned with how their body looks. Many of these people want to know how to get the best abs fast, because they know a set of nice looking abs equals a great looking physique.

Almost every guy and woman wants to be able to take off their shirt at the pool and show off a sexy midsection. Achieving sexy, toned, and ripped abs is a goal for most people. Thankfully if they're willing to work to get them anybody can achieve the six pack abs they desire.

For the people wondering how to get the best abs, it's important for you to know that exercise by itself is not enough to give you the results you're looking for. Just because you spend hours performing crunches and stomach exercises doesn't mean you are gong to e the best abs.

The truth is, unless you lower you body fat you will not be able to see the benefits of performing stomach exercises or crunches. You could have a set of rock hard abs, but if you have any layer of fat on your stomach it will cover it up.

What you need to do is naturally lose weight and lower the percentage of body fat you have. What you can do to accomplish this is follow a diet low in carbohydrates and fat to lose fat. Just be eating more healthy foods you can remove any layer of fat you have and achieve the nice looking abs you want.

Once you lose this body fat your will then need to follow a good ab workout. The best ab workout you can use to get the best abs fast is gone that hits all of the muscles in the abdominal region.

These muscles include the obliques, rectus, and transverse. You should find the best exercises to work these muscles and you must remember that you body will become used to the exercises your perform. So you will need new exercises and you will also need to increase the number of reps you perform.

So for those who want to know how to get the best abs fast, the best way is through steady diet and a good ab workout. The people who put in the most effort will definitely get the great looking six pack abs.

For a more in depth training and diet information to building rock hard, toned abs then Click Here Now to get those ripped abs faster than you ever though was possible.

This is the Best Ab Workout designed for both men and women looking to get the best looking midsection possible.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Dowdell

How to Get Ripped and Shredded 8 Pack Abs - The Simple Way

8 pack abs have become the latest 'in thing' when it comes to a ripped and shredded abdominal section. This is because of the rise of celebrities like twilight star Taylor Lautner and the number one fitness model Greg Plitt. With the rise of such celebrities, it was only natural that people's desires to acquire physiques like theirs would increase as well, in this case the desire to have 8 pack abs.

You too can have 8 pack abs, that is if your midsection is genetically structured to have 8 pack abs, the truth is not all of us are meant to have 8 pack abs, some of us have 6 pack abs and some have four pack abs. This should not discourage you, because no matter what your abdominal genetic structure allows, I have abs workout tips that will maximise your midsection look, so that you get the ripped and shredded
physique that resembles your on-screen heroes and role models.

To get the abs of your dreams is something anyone could achieve if they put their mind to it, it is about following 3 basic rules or stages, and each stage is integral to your overall success and doing each step will surely get you those well deserved 8 pack abs. So what are these stages you ask me, I will not make you
wait no longer...

Here are the 3 stages you need to go through or follow to get 8 pack abs:

Stage 1

Sort out your diet, have a clean healthy diet because nothing will set you back as much as not eating healthy food. Think about it this way, food is to you what the sun is for green plants, without which those plants cannot go through photosynthesis. You will need to have protein in your diet and lots of it, this will ensure you get maximum abs muscle growth and this will help your muscles recover. You will be able to get protein from a variety of natural food sources such as eggs, milk, beans, nuts, fish, meat, chicken and the list goes on ( research other food sources with protein).

Alternatively if you want to build a complete physique not just abs your protein could come from taking supplements to meet your daily requirement of about a gram of protein per pound of body-weight. Another thing you need to consider is trying to cut out the meat that has a lot of fat, and using olive oil to cook if you can afford it. Junk food is a no-no, if you are serious about getting abs try to cut out junk food or eat it once per week but compensate by working extra hard at the gym that day to the burn extra calories you have chosen to indulge in. Make sure you drink lots of water and stop or limit the amount of alcohol you consume (drinking is a step backwards especially beer). Try and stay away from sweets if you have a sweet tooth because that is also a step backwards and will make reaching your goal more difficult.

Stage 2

This step involves the actual workout; this is the most fun part for me as I am the type that enjoys doing sit-ups. During this step, you are required to pick abs exercises that will target your whole abdominal region to get the ripped and shredded abs look, by your whole abdominal region I mean your upper and lower abs as well as your obliques. At this point it is best to choose abs exercises that are simple and yet provide a difficulty level that will both carve and thicken your abs, examples of these would be crunches, hanging leg raises and oblique v-ups(extremely difficult at first).

These are not the only effective abs exercises that target your whole abdominal region just good examples to show you what I mean by 'target your whole abdominal region'. I believe all abdominal exercises work but they work in a different way, some need to be done in higher reps (these are your crunches or your sit-ups), others require less reps and more sets (hanging leg raises could be done in 20 reps and 4 sets combined with another abs exercise). Choose your favourite abs exercises and do them well until your abs hurt so much that you can't laugh.

3rd and final stage

This is your fat burning stage to reveal all your hard work. This is not my favourite stage but it is necessary if you want to add the ripped and shredded to your 8 pack abs description. This stage is where you do cardio to burn that extra fat on your belly to reveal the magic. There are a lot of cardio exercises which can be grouped as steady same pace cardio and high intensity interval training.

I will admit that my personal favourite is HIIT because it does not take too much time and the intensity makes it fun, also it raises your metabolic rate so that you burn calories long after you finish working out, an example of a HIIT exercise is to do sprints between a couple of points, not continuously that's why that interval in the description. Normal steady pace cardio is also popular in the form of jogging and people who use the stationary bike (though you could do interval training on a bike as well) at the gym, I find this option time consuming and if you jog for too long a distance you might be burning muscle as well not just calories.

Please note that all three stages are to be done together, but you could do stage one and two together and at a later stage do stage 3 to reveal the finished product.

If you want to find out more about getting a great body the simple way check out Zulu Muscle Express

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Eugene_Madondo

How to Get Six Pack Abs in 3 Weeks - Best Ways to Build Six Pack Abs

The fitness obsession has surely moved to another level these days, the reason behind this is the fact that more and more people these days are influenced by great looking bodies and fit people, it is indeed one of the best things that one can do for themselves, this is because having a great body is not just great health wise, but also it is something that gives one an immense confidence boost so it is a very good thing to pursue. The latest buzz these days is to be able to make six pack abs, so if you also want to make fabulous looking 6 pack abs then I recommend that you should read this article with utmost care because in this article I am going to tell you the best possible ways in which you can make great looking 6 pack abs in just 3 weeks.

I am sure that you must have already heard from a lot of sources that making 6 pack abs is one of the hardest things to do and requires a long time to accomplish, but believe me, there are certain ways in which you will surely be able to make 6 pack abs and that too in just 3 weeks. The first thing that you have to remember is that our diet plays a very important role in helping you to build 6 pack abs, so make sure that you follow a ratio of 40-30-30 that of proteins, carbohydrates and fast respectively. Make sure that you include a whole lot of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Make sure that you do not consume any type of junk foods or processed food items, this is because these foods are sure to have some serious side effects on your body.

The other very important thing that you have to do is exercises and make sure that you work on each and every muscle in your abdominal area, also at the same time be sure to give your muscles enough time to rest and giving reaction time to your muscles is a must otherwise you will never be able to see any positive results. Now go ahead and start this intense regime that will surely help you to make 6 pack abs in just 3 weeks.

Do YOU know the exact way of building rock-hard, ripped and shredded body? If No! Not to worry. On next page, I have had shared a Complete Body Building Guide [http://musclemonster.info/] by which you can easily build a body of your dream without supplement, without spending every day in GYM and in very less time. Click Here [http://musclemonster.info/] To Visit Next Page.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Mcmillan

Best Abs Exercises For Women - How to Get a Flat, Toned Stomach That Looks Feminine!

Here are the best abs exercises for women who want a nice feminine abdomen that is flat and toned and not bulky. You can do these exercise at home in just minutes a day. Results come quick... in 10-12 days usually.

Abs Exercises For Women

1. Ab wheel

That crazy device from the 90's actually works. Rolling back and forth with it creates a nice tension in your abdominal muscles. And... women don't have to worry about getting disgusting looking 6-pack abs. Sure they look nice on men, but not on women. Toned and flat... that's all women need for their abs.

Instead of giving you complex parameters, just use it for a total of 5 minutes a day. Don't worry if you can't do 5 minutes all at once, just worry about getting the total of 5 minutes each day.

2. Vacuum pose

This is an isometric exercise. It creates a different tension in the abdominal muscles. Again, this doesn't create bulky 6-pack abs, it just flattens and tones down the stomach area. What you do... suck in the lower abs (the part around your belly button... for best results) and hold the tension of the "sucking in" for as long as possible. Do it at least 10 seconds each time.

You don't need to hold your breath while doing this, but don't breathe normally either. Just let out little breaths while maintaining tension. If you did this for a total of 5 minutes each day, I can just about guarantee you that your waist will be almost 2 inches slimmer in 4 weeks or less. I have hundreds of clients who've gotten those results. It's common.

If you use just these 2 abs exercises for women, you will see some dramatic results in 10-12 days.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...

Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com

Jennifer Jolan

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Jolan

How to Get Six Packs Abs - The Best and Magical Ways to Gain Six Pack Abs

Getting six pack abs is a real frustration. It's not an easy task to turn up your entire body into muscles and reshape it into six pack abs. For all those who desire to have a six pack abs and is not getting a real guideline over building it; I will probably let you know some easy and natural tips over developing and building six pack abs. Many of them don't know the exact ways of developing six pack abs, the end up complaining of getting no results even after trying out heavier exercises and lifting weights. Even though you spend hours together everyday working out determinately, you really need to know how to perform correct exercises in a correct way and what food habits to practice.

Remember guys Diet and Exercises go hand in hand. Both are really important in order to change the entire structure of your body and make it hard and muscular.

Diet and exercise are really essential and a basic factor in order to Get six packs abs. If you believe in going to gym and working out then believe you, me it will give you results but for a temporary period. So my suggestion is follow natural exercises and home cooked diet in order to get those muscles build up fast and remove all unwanted fats causing obstruction in your way of building six packs. Go on reading further and discover some useful guidelines.

Do exercises at home on a daily basis like, Leg Lifting, Upper and back Crunches, Incline sit-ups, Push ups and pull ups. Repeat these exercises for about 15 times. This will affect your upper and lower abs which will contribute a lot to build six pack abs.

Eating specific foods will really help you to burn your belly fats, which will then make your belly look muscular and it, I'll be easy to develop six packs. You should eat foods like Fish, Meat, apples, oranges, cereals; green vegetables, skimmed milk, etc.

Drink 5 glasses of water everyday

Perform cardio exercises. This will help your unwanted fats to be burned quickly. Cardio exercises can be done in your Gym, n your fitness class, etc. Riding a bicycle will also be an effective exercise in order to develop six packs.

I am sure now you might feel relaxed that you got a complete list of Exercising and diet plan and I am sure you will follow it and benefit yourself by getting 6 pack abs.

Do YOU know the exact way of building rock-hard, ripped and shredded body? If No! Not to worry. On next page, I have had shared a Complete Body Building Guide [http://musclemonster.info/] by which you can easily build a body of your dream without supplement, without spending every day in GYM and in very less time. Click Here [http://musclemonster.info/] To Visit Next Page.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andy_Mcmillan